All the weapons sound and look fine except the M1 Garand has the bolt on the wrong side. The Russians also have the Lee Enfield as their rifle when they should have Mosin Nagats. The US have a Lee Enfield as their main rifle when it should be an M1 Garand or Springfield. There are some issues such as: The British have Thompson's as their SMG's and BAR's as their assault weapon when there SMG should be a sten and the assault weapon should be a Bren LMG. Tanks, weapons, and uniforms are mostly correct. One of its expansion packs "Secret Weapons" is glitchy on many maps. On my windows XP the BF1942 and runs very smoothly. You can usually go inside of most buildings but they generally look very simple. They are very accurate when you set them to hard or impossible. When the enemy AI come close to you they will crouch or go into prone. They can strafe you in planes, shoot your plane down on flak guns, snipe you, plant mines and many other things. On each of the settings they move there bodies stupidly but are still deadly. You can set the AI on easy, medium, hard, or impossible. When they walk they often move there heads and arms all around making them look very dumb. The AI look very stupid as in the way they move there bodies. You can do a wide variety of things, shooting, knifing, flying, driving, swimming, planting mines or explosives. You can concentrate on your mission or just go around racing in jeeps or doing stunts in your plane.

Most of the maps are reasonably big, they feature hills, cities, water, bridges, trees and houses. Single Play: In single play there are 16 maps you can choose from: Pacific Maps: Wake Island, Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, and Midway Eastern Front maps: Berlin, Stalingrad, Kharkov, and Kursk North African Maps: Gazala, Tobruk, El Alamein, and Operation Battleaxe Western Europe maps: Omaha Beach, Bocage, Battle of the Bulge, and Market Garden Some have more Aircraft based fighting, some have more tank based fighting and some more ground troop fighting. Battlefield 1942 is not like the regular WWII FPS(First person shooter).